The line in the post's title comes from the famous scene in the movie OLD BOY, which is directed by one of the best Korean director Park Chan-wook. The hero gets locked up in a tiny room for 15 years, having no idea why he's in there. Right after he got released, he gets a call from someone who seems to be the man who locked him up. And the hero says in a trembling voice "Who is this?". This scene is also famous for the actor Choi Min-sik, who played Oh Dae-su in the movie, to eat a live octopus.

To tell you just a little bit of the information about the movie, OLD BOY's main plot is about incest. It caused great sensation in Korean society because no other movie had dealt with this matter before OLDBOY. And also this movie has a lot of shocking and brutal scenes which made the movie more famous. The attraction of this movie is that gloomy atmosphere hanging throughout the movie and the superb acting by the characters.
This film has a shocking ending and if you want to fully-enjoy this movie, you'd better see it now before you hear what's going to happen in the end from your spoiler friend. Well, in my case, I already knew the plot before I saw the movie but still, it was very interesting. I can proudly say that OLD BOY is one of the best Korean Thriller movie. No wonder why it won the Grand Prix in 2004 Cannes Film Festival. Oh, and one more, you should hear the fastinating theme songs in the OST-original sound track.
When a movie is excellent, even if you know the ending, you are interested - every minute.
I heard the director graduated from Sogang.
I confess I haven't seen it because it's violent and I can't take watching much violence.
I also think it's the best thriller movie in Korea. It gave me great impression, so I saw it six times!
I think this story is not matched our emotion. But it is very interesting aspect of only story.
After see this movie I' scared because someone kidnapped me. So it make me kind person.
Britney, I was shocked to see that you were kidnapped. But I got to understand that you were trying to say that you are afraid that you might get kidnapped by someone. Well, I guess many people have thought of thier faults in the past after seeing this movie.
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