Monday, 28 May 2007

Cheating and being cheat : The Big Swindle

Since early time, there are lots of Hollywood movies about big swindle. The movie like Italian Job or Ocean's Eleven is typical work of that. But, Korean thriller is weak especially that kind of thriller. Although there were a few movie about swindle, they were very shabby and poor for Hollywood thrillers which are very spectacular and splendid. For that reason, even Koreans turn their back on the Korean thriller and they have enjoyed the Hollywood movie.

By overcoming weaknesses Korean thriller, the first successful Korean swindle movie comes into korea. That movie name is 'The big Swindle'.(Korean title is 'The reorganization of crime'.) The plot of movie is that five swindlers planed to rob the Han-Kook bank and they succeed. But, after successful robbing, they cannot find money. So, they start to find out the real swindler.
This movie couldn't catch up many hollywood movie has lots of spectacle like many other Korean movie. However, this movie show that even if it was low-budget film, a well-knit plot and exciting reversal make the movie interesting and successful.

If you are tired of Hollywood rule as 'The hero will always be happy in the end.', I recommend this movie. Of course although this movie reverses that rule perfectly, continuous cheating and being cheat fight makes this movie more attractive in suspense during enjoying the movie.

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