Sunday, 27 May 2007

Why Are We Mad at Jo-Pok Movies?

As we know, Jo-Pok movies are prevalent in Korean society. This phenomenon naturally raises a question: why Jo-Pok movies are so popular in this society? Perhaps no one would agree that Jo-Pok movies are much funnier than most Hollywood movies. However, there is one evident reason why audiences feel pleasure from these movies.

I think this trend is deeply related to corrupt Korean society. In this society, it is common to meet news articles about corrupt government officials, politicians, and even teachers who are looking for bribes and perks. In order to get what they want, these people willingly abuse their social power. Although this society may seem to provide equal chance of opportunity to its people, it is so evidently hierarchical that people from low social status are suffering from social disadvantages.

This is where the Jo-Pok movies come in. They provide a vicarious experience of fighting against corrupt society. People feel pleasure and catharsis by projecting themselves on to the ‘hero’ in such movies. For example, in the movie ‘Do-Sa-Bu-Il-Che,’ they fight against corrupt Korean education system, and in ‘Cho-Pok-Ma-Nu-Ra,’ they fight against corrupt politicians.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good analysis!