Saturday, 26 May 2007


Have you ever seen Dogville? It was released in 2003, and I didn't see it because my friends told me it was boring. Two years ago, I saw this movie by DVD, and I totally fall in love with the director, Lars Von Trier. I'm going to tell you special features of the movie.

First, the film set was very unique. It pretended to have a house, a dog, flowers, chairs, wall, etc. But there didn't have the objects, but only the people. So the set looked like a play set. Second, the movie went slow in a depressed mood. It might make you sleepy. Third, the acting was great although actors couldn't see the real objects.

I strongly recommend Dogville. I know we got familiar with exciting hollywood movies, but sometimes we need to see this kind of art movies. Also when you see the ending, you'll find out why it is a thriller movie. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The director's techniques sound so original.