Tuesday, 15 May 2007

Hong Kong Noir

I'll talk about Hong Kong Noir. That name is only use in Korea. Hong Kong Noir and Film Noir are very similar but not same. In other hand, Hong Kong Noir add Film Noir to oriental sensitivity and value of Confucianism.

Hong Kong Noir has 4 characteristic. First, main charater is gang of about 3 people and their image is hero. Second, This film mainly show the men's friendship. So roll of women is very small. Last, ending is nihility whether main character die or not.

Hong Kong Noir has lot's of films. For example, A Better Tomorrw (英雄本色), Infernal Affairs (無間道) and so on. And Hong Kong Noir make a famous actors and directors such as Chow Yun Fat (周潤發), John Woo (吳宇森). John Woo's movie affect Quentin Tarantino. So he make great movie such as Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen many movies from Hong Kong, but you've made me curious.