Sunday, 20 May 2007

The last episode of the X-Files

I know it's not a movie but a TV series. But I'm a big fan of the X-Files, so I always wanted to mention it. I'm going to explain the last episode of 9th season. It means it’s the last story of the X-Files. Let me tell you the summary.

Mulder, who hides himself from killers, tries to steal secret information. But one of super solders who are made by government finds him. They fight violently, and finally Mulder makes the super solder fall down. After that, he has a military trial. Many witnesses give evidence that Mulder kill the super solder, but actually it’s impossible to kill him because super solders are not supposed to die. People who are on Mulder’s side try to explain what the conspiracy of government and aliens is; however nobody listens. Even though Scully, who worked with Mulder for 9 years, finds out the dead body is not the solder’s, the judgment is the death penalty. Finally, people who believe Mulder’s theory make Mulder escape.

I bought the DVD of 9th season in the USA, so I could see the ending. The truth is in 2012 final alien invasion will begin, and this world will be end. Even though it didn’t show the result, but it showed that Mulder and Scully wouldn’t give up. It’s great because it didn’t explain everything! It remained the X-Files.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This does sound exciting, intriguing.