Thursday, 31 May 2007
Other Countries Thriller Movies #2

Interview with the Vampire

It's one of my favorite horror movies, and I have DVD! You can see the young Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise. In the movie, they were much handsome than now. Even though they were young, they act really well. Let me tell you the summary of the movie.
A journalist is allowed to interview with a vampire. The vampire whose name is Louis tells about his 200 years. In 1791, Louis, who lost his wife and child, wanted to give up his life. Lestat, a vampire, found Louis and bit him. Lestat gave him a choice to die or to be a vampire, and Louis chose the latter. After that, Louis felt unhappy because he had to kill people and he felt guilty. One day he met a little girl, Claudia, who lost her mother. Lestat made her a vampire, and Louis's life was changed.
It has a tag line, "Drink from me and live forever." If we can live forever, will our life be perfect like a god? I think etenal life gives us lack. Vampires also feel loneliness, despair, and fear, and look for beauty and love. This movie has a philosophy of life!
Tuesday, 29 May 2007
Silmido - the hidden story of Unit "684"

The movies plot goes like this. An army troop was newly recruited in order to go to Pyeong-yang in N.Korea and kill Kim Il-sung. However the circumstances has changed during their training and they were no longer needed. So the government wanted to eliminate their existence in order to maintain the military situation between S.Korea and N.Korea. The troop's members found out what was going on and they decide to make their moves first.

Monday, 28 May 2007
Cheating and being cheat : The Big Swindle

By overcoming weaknesses Korean thriller, the first successful Korean swindle movie comes into korea. That movie name is 'The big Swindle'.(Korean title is 'The reorganization of crime'.) The plot of movie is that five swindlers planed to rob the Han-Kook bank and they succeed. But, after successful robbing, they cannot find money. So, they start to find out the real swindler.
This movie couldn't catch up many hollywood movie has lots of spectacle like many other Korean movie. However, this movie show that even if it was low-budget film, a well-knit plot and exciting reversal make the movie interesting and successful.
If you are tired of Hollywood rule as 'The hero will always be happy in the end.', I recommend this movie. Of course although this movie reverses that rule perfectly, continuous cheating and being cheat fight makes this movie more attractive in suspense during enjoying the movie.

Sunday, 27 May 2007
Why Are We Mad at Jo-Pok Movies?

As we know, Jo-Pok movies are prevalent in Korean society. This phenomenon naturally raises a question: why Jo-Pok movies are so popular in this society? Perhaps no one would agree that Jo-Pok movies are much funnier than most Hollywood movies. However, there is one evident reason why audiences feel pleasure from these movies.

This is where the Jo-Pok movies come in. They provide a vicarious experience of fighting against corrupt society. People feel pleasure and catharsis by projecting themselves on to the ‘hero’ in such movies. For example, in the movie ‘Do-Sa-Bu-Il-Che,’ they fight against corrupt Korean education system, and in ‘Cho-Pok-Ma-Nu-Ra,’ they fight against corrupt politicians.
Saturday, 26 May 2007

Have you ever seen Dogville? It was released in 2003, and I didn't see it because my friends told me it was boring. Two years ago, I saw this movie by DVD, and I totally fall in love with the director, Lars Von Trier. I'm going to tell you special features of the movie.
First, the film set was very unique. It pretended to have a house, a dog, flowers, chairs, wall, etc. But there didn't have the objects, but only the people. So the set looked like a play set. Second, the movie went slow in a depressed mood. It might make you sleepy. Third, the acting was great although actors couldn't see the real objects.
I strongly recommend Dogville. I know we got familiar with exciting hollywood movies, but sometimes we need to see this kind of art movies. Also when you see the ending, you'll find out why it is a thriller movie. :)
Friday, 25 May 2007
Other Countries Thriller Movies #1

Next time, I'm going to tell you about the movie, "Ju-on" and it's also one of Japaness famous triller movies. See you next time!
Monday, 21 May 2007
I'm Shin Joonsun
When I was in high school I was in the movie club called "Cine-phille" which actually made a film itself. It was a Parody of the Korean action movie "Silmido". I played a role of Ahn Sung-gi, a famous Korean actor. I'm thinking of introducing the movie "Silmido" here on this blog. Anyway, I'm glad to be in this movie class. This is it for my self introduction.
Hope you have a nice day. :)
Sunday, 20 May 2007
The last episode of the X-Files

I know it's not a movie but a TV series. But I'm a big fan of the X-Files, so I always wanted to mention it. I'm going to explain the last episode of 9th season. It means it’s the last story of the X-Files. Let me tell you the summary.
Mulder, who hides himself from killers, tries to steal secret information. But one of super solders who are made by government finds him. They fight violently, and finally Mulder makes the super solder fall down. After that, he has a military trial. Many witnesses give evidence that Mulder kill the super solder, but actually it’s impossible to kill him because super solders are not supposed to die. People who are on Mulder’s side try to explain what the conspiracy of government and aliens is; however nobody listens. Even though Scully, who worked with Mulder for 9 years, finds out the dead body is not the solder’s, the judgment is the death penalty. Finally, people who believe Mulder’s theory make Mulder escape.
I bought the DVD of 9th season in the USA, so I could see the ending. The truth is in 2012 final alien invasion will begin, and this world will be end. Even though it didn’t show the result, but it showed that Mulder and Scully wouldn’t give up. It’s great because it didn’t explain everything! It remained the X-Files.
Tuesday, 15 May 2007
Hong Kong Noir
I glad to join action/thriller group. I love action movie. So I mainly talk about action movie. I'll do my best!
Who is this?

Spiderman3, the most popular Action movie

The characteristics of Korean thriller.

Of course, those characteristics of Korean thriller are my own opinion.
Hi ♪
My major is Economics and I'm sophomore. It's not revealed because
of my poor English coversation skill, but I'm very active and lively
person. I wanna get along with our group people.
My hobby is going to movie and I like all kinds of movie. Especially,
thriller is my favorite genre of movie, so I join this group. In this blog,
I'll introduce several famous thriller movies.
Actually, I used to think that I'm good at English. However, I'm very
surprised that most people speaks fluent English in this class.
At first, those people discouraged me, but now, I believe I got a chance
to improvemy English skill. I'll do my best.
Let's make a interesting blog :)
My favorite director, Park Chan-wook

Why Jo-Pok (Korean Gang) Movie?

Second, a predilection for Jo-Pok movies hinders the development of Korean movie industry. For example, it impedes the diversity of themes; movie producers are constantly making gang movies only because it guarantees higher probability of success. Moreover, this theme can only appeal to Korean people, because people from outer world may not be able to understand the movie without the Korean emotional context. Therefore, these kinds of movies are not competitive in the global movie market.
Monday, 14 May 2007
Dear my classmates, this is Yong-rae :)
By the way, I really need your excuse of my English ability :(, but I promise that I will do my best :). I hope that this relationship will be last after the class. Of course, I wish that we will do our best on this blog project. Once again, nice to meet all of you :)
It is very nice to have a chance to get more friendly with this blog project. These days, I feel like I am such a lucky guy, because people I meet recently are just kind and good guys. No doubt that our team mates are not the exception.
I am a kind of old student in Sogang university; this is my last semester, and as some of you may already know, I am the class of 99. I major in computer science and have a plan to apply to a graduate school in the united states for the next fall semester. Especially, I am very interested in ubiquitous network systems such as the sensor network and the ad-hoc network.
By the way, I hope our team will make a good performance in this project, thereby receiving good evaluation from Professor. Kelly.
Sunday, 13 May 2007
Korean Thriller Moives Vs Hollywood Thriller Movies
The second big difference is the object of horror's gender. Korean thriller movies oftenly use female as a object of horror, but Hollywood's used to be a male or strange creatures. Thesedays the trend of Korean thriller movie is getting simmlar to Hollywood thriller movies. And these two pictures shows each country's horror objects.

Hi, I'm Wonje Mok.
My English name in this class is Billie Joe, and my major is Electronic Engineering at Sogang Univ.
I'm very glad to post datas about action and thriller movies.
I chose this group beacuse I really like thriller movies, so I'll mainly talk about thriller movies.
I'll do my best, and I'll try to post exciting and hot news for visitors. Have a fun time at this blog.
Thank you^-^
Saturday, 12 May 2007
I know it's time to consider my future job seriously. To tell you the truth, I've wanted to be a copywriter since I was 17. I didn't change my mind, and I hope I can enter an advertising company this fall.
Thanks for reading my story. I hope you guys have a nice day!