His first movie was ‘The Big Boss’. In this movie, he was not main character. But his act was impression. So he got known for people from this movie. And he acted lots of movies. ‘Fist of Fury’, ‘The Way of the Dragon’, ‘Enter the Dragon’, ‘Game of Death’. He died during acted ‘Gme of Death’. So the movie was finished with substitute actor.
Tuesday, 12 June 2007
Bruce Lee
His first movie was ‘The Big Boss’. In this movie, he was not main character. But his act was impression. So he got known for people from this movie. And he acted lots of movies. ‘Fist of Fury’, ‘The Way of the Dragon’, ‘Enter the Dragon’, ‘Game of Death’. He died during acted ‘Gme of Death’. So the movie was finished with substitute actor.
Chow Yun Fat
‘God of Killers’ was succeeded. After that he act ‘A Better Tomorrow’ by John Woo. ‘A Better Tomorrow’ was beginning of ‘Hong Kong Noir’ in 1980’s~90’s. So he is famous actor.
He act ‘A Better Tomorrow 2’, ‘City on Fire’. So he is a idol of Asia youth. And he go to America, enter the Hollywood. After that ‘Anna and the King’, ‘Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon’ are made he world star. Recently he act ‘Captain Sao Feng’ who is captain of Singapore pirate in ‘Pirates of the Caribbean : At World’s End.’
The God Father : The Father of Gangster Movies

Why many of them think that "The Godfather" is so great? At that time, we know, there is not good equipments like today`s. This movie shows the magnificent scenary and plot with this! It has a long running time like "The Lord of the Ring", it is attractive enough to enjoy it. If you want to feel the father of gangster movies, then feel it!
Leslie Cheung
1 st, April 2003. He killed himself. When I heard that news, I didn’t believe it. Because that day was April fool’s day. Many people were shocked. And they and I hoped it is not true. But he was gone. When he died, people said various opinion of the cause of dead. Suicide or murder. Also people said various reason, if he killed himself. First one is melancholia. Another one is stress from breaking up with his boyfriend(He is bi-sexual.). But that opinion and reason are still opinion and reason.
He act in ‘A Better Tomorrow’, ‘Days Of Being Wild’, ‘A Chinese Ghost Story’, ‘Farewell My Concubine’ and so on. He acted man’s side such as tough, charisma in ‘A Better Tomorrow’, ‘Days of being wild’. But also he acted woman’s side in ‘Farewell My Concubine’. He is great actor.
The Matrix - Simulated reality

Jackie Chan - The true action star

Since I was a little kid, I was a fan of Jackie Chan. The way I see it is that every boys who grew up watching his films love him. He was one of the greatest heroes of the kids. Every one were amazed to the way he moves, jumps, and fights. Boys played imitating him. I think he is one of the most influential person in the world. The good news is he still is working as an actor, making films that will entertain the ones who are waiting to see him.
Jakie is often compared with other Chinese action stars like Bruce Lee (known as Lee So-ryong in Korea) and Jet Li (known as Lee Yeon-gul). Bruce lee and Jet Li's action style is more concentrated on showing martial arts. However Jakie has done his training from the Chinese opera academy, therefore his actions are more like acrobats. His strong point comes from his stunts which are, for the most part, humorous.

Monday, 11 June 2007
Why People Watch Thriller Movies

Then let's talk about why people watch thriller movies although it's frighten. Actually human being has a mentality of enjoying fear. It's little bit similar to the reason why people want to ride fearful vehicles like Viking and Roller coaster, etc. Also Seeing their misery at the thriller movies, we can feel relief thinking of this; "I am not in a terrible situation like a protagonist of that horror movie." And we can contrast this situation with a mental state of people who crowd at the scene of the car accident.
Human also has a basic mental sate of commit the crime. While you are watching triller movies, first you will think the victim at the movies is so poor, but as time goes by, you will jump into offender's shoes, and feel joy, which can be offender's feels. It's instict of destroy or murder which every human has inside of their unconscious mind.
P.S. And this is bonus story. If our market of society falls down, people spend time to watch thriller movies much more.
Friday, 8 June 2007
Do-Sa-Bu-Il-Che (頭師父一體)

The first question when we see the title of this movie would probably be like this: “What does this mean?” This title is a combination of Chinese characters, so that it is not so easy to understand even for Korean people. ‘Do’ means a gangster boss. ‘Sa’ means a teacher. ‘Bu’ means a father, and lastly the ‘Il-Che’ means the same body. Therefore, the title means a gangster boss, a teacher and a father should equally be respected. (What a non-sense, should we respect the gangster boss like we do for our father or teacher?)

Monday, 4 June 2007
Jo-Pok Movie Syndrom

However, we are wrong, and we are even manipulated by the media. The target against whom we should show rage is not the chairman, but the six gangs. Most of all, the six gangs first started the violence. Also, if your lovely son is pulverized by gangs, what would you do? Of course, the public character like company CEO should have shown at least slight self-control before taking the action. However, even despite his public characteristic, he is still beloved someone’s father.
Wait a minute! This incident seems to have something in common with what I previously wrote - “Why Are We Mad at Jo-Pok Movies?” In other words, prevalent positive image about Jo-Pok (gangs) might have caused people to think that the six gangs are just the powerless and ordinary people like us. Even further, this incident gave me an impression that people seem to be hypnotized thinking like the six gangs are the heroes fighting against ‘the vicious rich Hanwha Group’s CEO.’ However, people are missing the main point that the six gangs are just bad people who first committed violence without reasons.
Sunday, 3 June 2007
Walter Bruce Willis

Pirates of the Caribbean : The Curse of the Black Pearl

I've never tried to write regarding action movies in this blog. Today I'm going to explain one great action movie. It's the first movie of Pirates of the Caribbean. Recently we can see the third one, and I already saw it this weekend. In my view, first one was much better than the third one, so I want to metion the very first movie.
Will Turner is a son of a famous pirate, and he has a pirate's necklace. Actually Elizabeth keeps it because she wants to save Will. One day, Black Pearl arrives in the town, and the pirate captain Barbossa kidnaps Elizabeth. Will, who loves her, asks Jack Sparrow, who used to be the captain of Black Pearl, to find the ship and rescue her. So they have a big trip, and gradually find out the curse of the Black Pearl.
It's a pretty exciting movie! Also I love the main actor, Johnny Depp! He is the perfect pirate and the perfect Jack Sparrow. If you didn't see this movie, just ask me! I have the DVD.
Unusual reversal : Save The Green Planet!

'Save the green planet' is unusual from the plot. The plot is the following : The here, Byung-gu believes earth will be in danger by aliens. So, he kidnaps Kang present who he believes alien. As Byung-gu's severe torture, Kan present starts to lie to Byung-gu for surviving. Who is a real lier? Their fight is continue.
The reversal of this movie is Kan present is a real alien and Byung-gu is not a mental patient. It is very extraordinary and may looks like nonsense. But, If you know this movie is not only SF thriller, but also black comedy, you could catch the message this movie give us. The message director want to give may be the warning to selfish human.

Friday, 1 June 2007
Tae Guk Gi: The Brotherhood of War

Why this movie can make a great hit in Korea and even in USA and so on? This movie is showing the true brotherhood during the war. Because of the misunderstand during the war, the brothers had to be an enemy each other. However, when they met in a battle field, they promise to meet again, but they couldn`t do that. This movie could be a tragedy, but it is still enough to moving us.
Catch up Hollywood thriller : The Host

The plot is the following : The hero, Kang-do runs a small store near Han river. Oneday, unidentified host appears in Han river and take his daughter, Hyun-seo. But, nobody want to help him and his family who have no money and no power. So, they look for everywhere in Han river to rescue Hyun-seo only by themselves. Finally they find the host and kill it, but Hyun-seo already died.
If you see the just plot, it may be childish and looks like imitation of Godzilla or Jurassic Park. However, If you think the birth background of host, you will be attracted this movie. At first scene in the movie, one scientist illegally flow formalin into Han river and the movie give an that it makes a fish the host.
Through that inkling, this movie not only just give exciting spectacles like many Hollywood movie, but also makes audience think human's selfishness.
So, If you want both exciting spectacle and lingering, try to see 'The Host'. I'm sure this movie is the masterpiece of Korean action thriller movie which producted by famous director and great actors.

Thursday, 31 May 2007
Other Countries Thriller Movies #2

Interview with the Vampire

It's one of my favorite horror movies, and I have DVD! You can see the young Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise. In the movie, they were much handsome than now. Even though they were young, they act really well. Let me tell you the summary of the movie.
A journalist is allowed to interview with a vampire. The vampire whose name is Louis tells about his 200 years. In 1791, Louis, who lost his wife and child, wanted to give up his life. Lestat, a vampire, found Louis and bit him. Lestat gave him a choice to die or to be a vampire, and Louis chose the latter. After that, Louis felt unhappy because he had to kill people and he felt guilty. One day he met a little girl, Claudia, who lost her mother. Lestat made her a vampire, and Louis's life was changed.
It has a tag line, "Drink from me and live forever." If we can live forever, will our life be perfect like a god? I think etenal life gives us lack. Vampires also feel loneliness, despair, and fear, and look for beauty and love. This movie has a philosophy of life!
Tuesday, 29 May 2007
Silmido - the hidden story of Unit "684"

The movies plot goes like this. An army troop was newly recruited in order to go to Pyeong-yang in N.Korea and kill Kim Il-sung. However the circumstances has changed during their training and they were no longer needed. So the government wanted to eliminate their existence in order to maintain the military situation between S.Korea and N.Korea. The troop's members found out what was going on and they decide to make their moves first.

Monday, 28 May 2007
Cheating and being cheat : The Big Swindle

By overcoming weaknesses Korean thriller, the first successful Korean swindle movie comes into korea. That movie name is 'The big Swindle'.(Korean title is 'The reorganization of crime'.) The plot of movie is that five swindlers planed to rob the Han-Kook bank and they succeed. But, after successful robbing, they cannot find money. So, they start to find out the real swindler.
This movie couldn't catch up many hollywood movie has lots of spectacle like many other Korean movie. However, this movie show that even if it was low-budget film, a well-knit plot and exciting reversal make the movie interesting and successful.
If you are tired of Hollywood rule as 'The hero will always be happy in the end.', I recommend this movie. Of course although this movie reverses that rule perfectly, continuous cheating and being cheat fight makes this movie more attractive in suspense during enjoying the movie.

Sunday, 27 May 2007
Why Are We Mad at Jo-Pok Movies?

As we know, Jo-Pok movies are prevalent in Korean society. This phenomenon naturally raises a question: why Jo-Pok movies are so popular in this society? Perhaps no one would agree that Jo-Pok movies are much funnier than most Hollywood movies. However, there is one evident reason why audiences feel pleasure from these movies.

This is where the Jo-Pok movies come in. They provide a vicarious experience of fighting against corrupt society. People feel pleasure and catharsis by projecting themselves on to the ‘hero’ in such movies. For example, in the movie ‘Do-Sa-Bu-Il-Che,’ they fight against corrupt Korean education system, and in ‘Cho-Pok-Ma-Nu-Ra,’ they fight against corrupt politicians.
Saturday, 26 May 2007

Have you ever seen Dogville? It was released in 2003, and I didn't see it because my friends told me it was boring. Two years ago, I saw this movie by DVD, and I totally fall in love with the director, Lars Von Trier. I'm going to tell you special features of the movie.
First, the film set was very unique. It pretended to have a house, a dog, flowers, chairs, wall, etc. But there didn't have the objects, but only the people. So the set looked like a play set. Second, the movie went slow in a depressed mood. It might make you sleepy. Third, the acting was great although actors couldn't see the real objects.
I strongly recommend Dogville. I know we got familiar with exciting hollywood movies, but sometimes we need to see this kind of art movies. Also when you see the ending, you'll find out why it is a thriller movie. :)
Friday, 25 May 2007
Other Countries Thriller Movies #1

Next time, I'm going to tell you about the movie, "Ju-on" and it's also one of Japaness famous triller movies. See you next time!
Monday, 21 May 2007
I'm Shin Joonsun
When I was in high school I was in the movie club called "Cine-phille" which actually made a film itself. It was a Parody of the Korean action movie "Silmido". I played a role of Ahn Sung-gi, a famous Korean actor. I'm thinking of introducing the movie "Silmido" here on this blog. Anyway, I'm glad to be in this movie class. This is it for my self introduction.
Hope you have a nice day. :)
Sunday, 20 May 2007
The last episode of the X-Files

I know it's not a movie but a TV series. But I'm a big fan of the X-Files, so I always wanted to mention it. I'm going to explain the last episode of 9th season. It means it’s the last story of the X-Files. Let me tell you the summary.
Mulder, who hides himself from killers, tries to steal secret information. But one of super solders who are made by government finds him. They fight violently, and finally Mulder makes the super solder fall down. After that, he has a military trial. Many witnesses give evidence that Mulder kill the super solder, but actually it’s impossible to kill him because super solders are not supposed to die. People who are on Mulder’s side try to explain what the conspiracy of government and aliens is; however nobody listens. Even though Scully, who worked with Mulder for 9 years, finds out the dead body is not the solder’s, the judgment is the death penalty. Finally, people who believe Mulder’s theory make Mulder escape.
I bought the DVD of 9th season in the USA, so I could see the ending. The truth is in 2012 final alien invasion will begin, and this world will be end. Even though it didn’t show the result, but it showed that Mulder and Scully wouldn’t give up. It’s great because it didn’t explain everything! It remained the X-Files.
Tuesday, 15 May 2007
Hong Kong Noir
I glad to join action/thriller group. I love action movie. So I mainly talk about action movie. I'll do my best!
Who is this?

Spiderman3, the most popular Action movie

The characteristics of Korean thriller.

Of course, those characteristics of Korean thriller are my own opinion.
Hi ♪
My major is Economics and I'm sophomore. It's not revealed because
of my poor English coversation skill, but I'm very active and lively
person. I wanna get along with our group people.
My hobby is going to movie and I like all kinds of movie. Especially,
thriller is my favorite genre of movie, so I join this group. In this blog,
I'll introduce several famous thriller movies.
Actually, I used to think that I'm good at English. However, I'm very
surprised that most people speaks fluent English in this class.
At first, those people discouraged me, but now, I believe I got a chance
to improvemy English skill. I'll do my best.
Let's make a interesting blog :)
My favorite director, Park Chan-wook

Why Jo-Pok (Korean Gang) Movie?

Second, a predilection for Jo-Pok movies hinders the development of Korean movie industry. For example, it impedes the diversity of themes; movie producers are constantly making gang movies only because it guarantees higher probability of success. Moreover, this theme can only appeal to Korean people, because people from outer world may not be able to understand the movie without the Korean emotional context. Therefore, these kinds of movies are not competitive in the global movie market.